Penny Dreadful Wikia

"And when Victor comes home... we'll put our hands around his throat together... and watch him die. And then this will be our home. And then? What then, undead thing? We were created to rule, my love. And the blood of mankind will water our garden. Us and our kin... and our children, and our generations. We are the conquerors. We are the pure blood. We are steel and sinew both. We are the next 1000 years. We are the dead."
—Lily Frankenstein as she sits on John Clare's lap as he shivers.[src]

Lily Frankenstein, formerly known as Brona Croft, is a character on Showtime's Penny Dreadful. She débuts in the second episode of the first season. She is portrayed by starring cast star Billie Piper.

Lily Frankenstein is based on the Bride of Frankenstein, a character from the novel, Frankenstein.


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Season 2
"Fresh Hell": "Verbis Diablo": "The Nightcomers": "Evil Spirits in Heavenly Places": "Above the Vaulted Sky":
Appears Appears Absent Appears Appears
"Glorious Horrors": "Little Scorpion": "Memento Mori": "And Hell Itself My Only Foe": "And They Were Enemies":
Appears Appears Appears Appears Appears
Season 3
"The Day Tennyson Died": "Predators Far and Near": "Good and Evil Braided Be": "A Blade of Grass": "This World Is Our Hell":
Absent Appears Appears Absent Absent
"No Beast So Fierce": "Ebb Tide": "Perpetual Night": "The Blessed Dark":
Absent Absent Absent Absent


  1. "Grand Guignol", Penny Dreadful, Showtime